Tip no.5: Drying excess fruit using a solar drier/oven, make good money.
Yes, that is right. Did you know there is a demand for organic dried fruit for health food shops, walkers, campers, mountain climbers bike riders etc.
The uses are endless. There is dried fruit out there on the market but usually not organic, and being mass produced, you don’t know the quality or where the fruit came from.
My advice would be to promote your bags as organic and handpicked. The people that buy dried foods are usually health conscious people that care what they eat.
It is not expensive to make a sun powered food drier and if you have the room, you could get all the left-over fruit from local farms and dry as much as you can at the best time.
There is a good demand for particular types of fruit for different sports so some research would be handy there.
How about setting up a small stall at the local markets, so people can get to know you and when you need fruit during the year, and the customers will find you if you say organic and give good descriptions of your fruit and the process. Look on this site for plans to make your own solar drier.